Friday, 23 May 2014

A differential diagnosis

Fifth part - a short summary of the painful shoulder syndrome, frozen shoulder +, differential diagnosis
Sixth part - a short summary of the painful shoulder syndrome + disability aroma clavicle, stereo clavicle joint and Are also advised to read the articles of Anatomy.
For faster and easier orientation and explanation of some obscure words again offer a glossary of terms that are used in articles. I hope that you will again benefit.
Glossary of terms used abduction     movement laterally from the axis of the body (stretched out) arthritis (osteoarthritis)     non-inflammatory joint disease characterized by the destruction (extinction) of particular cartilage
Atrophy reduction normally developed body, involving the loss of cells or reduce their size, such as nutritional deficiency and blood circulation
Bilateral reversible
Bursa     Gravity pouch
Bursitis     inflammatory disease of the bursa
Capsule     housing
Decalcification     loss of calcium (calcium) from tissues or organs, especially the bone
Demineralization loss of minerals from hard tissues of the body (bones and teeth) discus inter vertebral is  interterm brawl disc (plate) distal     remote, located on the opposite side from the origin (center) - the opposite is proximal - such as the upper limb: the distal part of the hand with fingers,

Friday, 18 October 2013

muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Muscle groups

* Trapeziums muscle (top); with the help of Somanabolic muscle maximizer reviews by Kyle Leon
* Pectorals;
* Muscles of the iliac and lumbar region;
* The muscle group of the back of the thighs;

3 - When we perform the exercises, namely fitness or bodybuilding, for a good result, is required to achieve full amplitude. Muscles are not elongated rigid often leads to injury, while the "operating space" due to the muscles is stretched due to flexibility, reduces injury to a minimum.

Good flexibility is especially important in martial arts classes, dance, aerobics, where movements are more spontaneous, comprehensive and less controllable than in academia. Stretching Muscles

4 - Stretching before training increases the ability of the muscles of the athlete monitor the intensity of exercise or sporting activity that will hold. When you see a footballer stretch the muscles of the legs, or, in tennis, the athlete stretch your arms, you know he does it to play better. In fitness and bodybuilding, we do it to train better.

5 - But we must not only stretch the muscles before starting a workout, too, is very important in order to accomplish it. Stretching at the end of training provides the athlete with many positive and wonderful: 5.1 Stretching the muscles and at the end of training, provides relaxation, allowing increased muscle recovery and also a relaxation of the nervous system (do not forget that training is a condition of stress to your nervous system) and Somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon.

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Stretch Muscles

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Stretch Muscles

Why should stretch the muscles with the help of Somanabolic muscle maximizer torrent by Kyle Leon Being my first opportunity to write this wonderful blog, I've been a bit confusing to think what to write in order to give a good image, not only to the owners of the blog, mainly as readers athletic. So I decided not to start with training programs (split), anti-cellulite exercises or nutrition rules. I will talk about something that everyone knows. Some people give much importance to it, others not so much.  it is highly recommended

The topic of this article is "stretching". Why we have to perform muscle stretching before starting our training? Well, let's find out: Lengthening or stretching (English "stretching"), established a very firm way in the world of fitness and sport. Stretching not only carry people who practice modalities that require flexibility above normal (gymnastics, martial arts, etc.), but also widely used in sports and "common", such as football or tennis.

The fitness involves muscle stretching, as part of the training process. Let's list the reasons it takes muscle stretching is so important to fitness:

1 - Flexible body - a flexible body allows freedom of movement and a smooth realization.
2 - Lack of flexibility (stiffness, contracture) in certain muscle groups, has a negative effect on the spine, which in turn can cause severe damage to health in general.

The sports medicine and physical therapy have the same opinion, that in order to maintain a correct posture and preserve health, and constantly need to stretch the muscles like Somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon.

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Repetition

A series in rest pause, Kyle Leon is equal to: Somanabolic muscle maximizer product by Kyle Leon 1 Repetition Maximum + 10 seconds of rest + 2 Repetition Maximum + 10 seconds of rest + A 3rd repetition maximum or are reduced in weight by 20% and makes the repetition + 15 seconds of rest +Final repetition An example of a rest pause training that Mike would do to his Pecs, would be: Peck Deck (1 set of 4 reps rest pause), development on the incline bench with bar (1 set of 4 reps rest pause) and dives in parallel (only negative reps) 1 set of 5 reps.

Mike then had to ask himself what could be more intense than the rest pause training. Heavy Duty Super-Advanced The next step in Mike climbing the slope of intensity was what he called "training Incite". In this, he followed each maximum positive repetition in a series rest pause, replay with a maximum negative. He had his training partner performing a light pressure on the bar during the negative phase of the exercise while and he would fight to resist it, as he lowered the bar as slowly as possible. He then rested 15 seconds before the next repetition maximum positive and negative.

At the highest level of Heavy Duty he called Omni-contraction training, as it means full contraction. There are three ways in which a muscle can contract, is lifting a weight (positive), lowering a weight (negative) and holding a weight (static).

At Omni-contraction training, Mike would make each repetition maximum effort. He would make a positive repetition maximum, followed by a repetition maximum negative, but during the negative he would stop the weight, and actually try to raise the weight again (which was impossible) with Somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon.

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Leg press

With Somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon, a series of leg extensions to failure, followed by a series of leg press (or squats) until failure.

They can also be used forced repetitions negative occasionally to proceed beyond the point of positive failure. These techniques will lead someone to the advanced level. Mike reached this point, and using these techniques he could not get bigger or stronger, this forced him to search further at higher levels of intensity.

Advanced At this level Mike found that he was so strong and his will to train with maximum effort was so high that each repetition of a series was so intense that oxygen debt and lactic acid production were so immediate and severe enough so he was forced to stop practicing mainly due to cardiovascular limitation rather than to have achieved a true point of muscular failure.

He sought a way to be able to do sets and reps even more intense, while at the same time reduced the rate of production of lactic acid and increase the oxygen flow in your muscles.

The way he did it was to create their own version of the technique training rest pause (rest-pause), he used a weight that would allow you to make a one-repetition maximum, then resting for 10 seconds where it would give enough time for your muscles to suffer the conduction of the byproducts of contraction and receive a new load of oxygen, and so he could do another repetition maximum.

After the second repetition, and another 10 seconds of rest, he would have his training partner helping you to do another repetition maximum, or else it would reduce the weight by 20%. He then rest for 15 seconds and do his last repetition maximum.

This was considered a series, with each iteration being a repeat maximum and effort with Somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon.

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon- Heavy-Duty

Somanabolic muscle maximizer torrent by Kyle Leon and the secrets of the Heavy-Duty While many people know the basics of Heavy Duty training, its advanced techniques are only known by a few. The advanced and super-advanced were thoroughly researched and tested by Mike in the late seventies, but after the infamous Mr. Olympia 1980 Mike retired from competition.

After that he worked as a personal trainer and concentrated on what worked best for beginners and intermediates. And with that, advanced practitioners and super-advanced Heavy Duty were nothing less than lost, though Mike had gotten the best gains of his life using these techniques.

Climbing the slope of the intensity Mike knew that as a bodybuilder gets bigger and stronger, he eventually require a stress training even more intense if he hopes to continue progressing. If the voltage is not more intense, it will stagnate and be at the same level of size and strength.

Newbie’s For beginners who are just starting a weight training program is a huge jump in intensity compared with no training, and that is why they can progress so fast in the beginning.

To keep progressing they can simply keep increasing the weights and decreasing the rest periods between sets. When they stop making gains this way, they are ready for the next level of intensity. Intermediaries At this stage requires a more intense stress, and this is done by the use of super-sets of pre-exhaust with Somanabolic muscle maximizer torrent by Kyle Leon

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Prevent injuries

Somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon-Prevent injuries
The HIT is meant to be an extremely productive protocol, but also a Protocol that emphasizes safety a fundamental goal of bodybuilding is to act to prevent injuries with Somanabolic muscle maximizer torrent by Kyle Leon This is the essence of HIT. There is nothing complex or "magic".

The HIT has been successfully used for decades by many bodybuilders, without even knowing the acronym "HIT". It should be noted that the High Intensity Training is not a rule set in stone. It is a style of disciplined training, based on two factors, universally known, that affect muscle growth - Overload and Progression.

A unique series of exercises is productive, although some proponents of High Intensity sometimes prefer to run more than one series. Some people may require additional series.

As a general rule, of course, some exceptions, a unique series of exercises performed with high intensity come every encouragement you need to get the hypertrophy (growth) muscle. High Intensity Training is not going almost to the limit, but it is actually going to the limit. Not perform a single series until almost the limit, but is actually run to the absolute limit. You use any equipment available, not just a machine or group of machines.

Are not the words of two or three people, but the commitment to work as hard as possible in the gym, doing "social" or rest in between sets too. When an exercise is performed with high intensity, as described, a single series usually gives your body the stimulus strength great with the help of Somanabolic muscle maximizer review by Kyle Leon.