Monday, 14 October 2013

No More Worry - Only Yoga best for health

No More Worry - Only Yoga best for health
No More Worry - Only Yoga best for health
With yoga loved. You learn to respect your body and it is also very good exercise. There are no rules to restrict or to oblige. 

The exercise fits over you and not you to it. According to a researcher,: obvious changes in the body and psychology, and "Yoga is a way of seeing oneself and others. Not only is exercise for me is the whole science, he says. Yoga in recent years has become a fashion in our country, with dozens of studios to spring up like mushrooms in big cities, and most gyms have included in their programs and yoga. Indeed there are many studies showing that yoga can have a beneficial effect on health.

According to an earlier study by the University of Washington, which also lasted ten years, showed that those who did yoga regularly were lost over two and a half pounds, while those who did not were "loaded" six and a half, Research at the same university concluded that systematic yoga can relieve chronic back pain to such a degree that no longer need pain medication.

Another study, conducted on a sample of 24 women showed that yoga can reduce stress even 30%. Even as better cream may according to researchers to function as yoga, after the jaw and temple relax, thus smoothed and wrinkles. The big difference with the common yoga exercise is to ask the student to come alone to the source. Not imitative exercise.

The teacher will act initially as a model but then the student will perform with its own capabilities, says a teacher of yoga at Studio Yoga New York. As mentioned, this activity aims at activating muscle and flexibility of the body. Accompanied even breathing techniques can help in diseases such as cervical syndrome, scoliosis, and back problems.

Yoga has no restrictions. Anyone can do yoga. To begin a lesson, you do not need to do any special preparation." As for age, the courses can be attended by children from age 10 to 75 years. "Just the great age to inform instructors of any health problems. see 2013 version

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